Turning the Tide on Public Education: New York voters say they trust the state’s teachers’ unions over Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s own direction for education policy in the state, according to a new poll just released. Voters trust the unions by a margin of 55 percent to 28 percent when it comes to improving the state’s education system. Meanwhile, Cuomo’s job approval rating has fallen to one his lowest ever in the poll. The survey found voters are skeptical of efforts to scale back teacher tenure or provide merit pay for teachers based on testing. Voters believe teacher salaries shouldn’t be tied to how students perform on standardized testing. Meanwhile, 65 percent of voters polled by Quinnipiac believe teacher tenure shouldn’t be based on test scores of students. http://www.nystateofpolitics.com/2015/03/q-poll-new-yorkers-back-teachers-unions-over-cuomo/ Shout-Out 4 Schools in Need: Assemblyman Anthony Brindisi is encouraging educators to push local legislators to support plans to increase funding to small city school districts. “There are almost 700 districts in New York and 17 are quote ‘failed.’ Let’s look at those failing districts and fund them,” Brindisi, a Democrat from the Utica area, said during a state budget seminar hosted by the New York State Association of Small City School Districts. Approximately 30 superintendents and other educators from various districts attended the seminar to discuss how budget proposals would impact small city school districts. http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/albany/2015/03/8564261/small-city-school-districts-push-increase-funding?news-image Bipartisan Call for Testing Rights- Fantastic: Members of state Legislature on Tuesday introduced a bill that would ensure school districts properly notify parents of their right to opt out their children from the controversial Common Core standardized tests. The bill is in response to the growing concerns of parents and teachers in the state about the over-testing of children, particularly through the Common Core standards. Assembly Republicans joined Senate Republicans in introducing the legislation, which is called the "Common Core Parental Refusal Act." http://www.lohud.com/story/news/education/2015/03/17/common-core-legislators-law/24918341/ Parent Perspective: http://www.localsyr.com/story/d/story/ny-lawmakers-pushing-education-bill-on-opting-out/34594/JfvIofpYlkypxDefelGjdQ Don’t B a Lemon -Pledge to Do All U Can: Attend a community forum supporting public education (flyers attached). Stay tuned for more- You could even organize one yourself Attach Your Local Events Here: · Educate yourself, family, and friends · Register and Vote · Donate to Vote Cope Take Action Now! https://mac.nysut.org/ · Register to vote · Find Your Elected Officials · Take Action with a click · Connect with volunteer opportunities CNY PAC and NYTN are from Phil Cleary. Share the messages and get CNY PAC – NYTN extras https://twitter.com/ @clearypm Comments are closed.
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