On the W2 forms under Box 14 ("Other") you might see "FLEX" with a dollar amount. This number is not only for the FLEX Plan (medical/childcare). You may have signed up for last year. It also incorporates other pretax deductions you might have for health insurance, AFLAC, and AVESIS. This is how the payroll system shows pretax deductions. M E M O R A N D U M
TO: NYSUT K-12 Local Presidents FROM: Catalina Fortino DATE: January 28, 2016 RE: Revised Dates for Grade 3-8 Test Writing Based on our request SED’s new testing company, Questar, has revised the dates for the item writing workshops for the grade 3-8 state tests. They are still looking for teachers to work on developing the questions for the new grade 3-8 ELA and math tests. Participants will be paid for participation in the item writing workshop. The math workshop will be held on March 1-3 in Albany and the ELA workshop will be held on April 19-21 in Albany. Please share this information with your Grade 3-8 teachers, special education teachers and ELL teachers. Names and contact information and grade level for participants should be sent to Terry McSweeney at [email protected]. Participants will be contacted by the testing company if they are selected to participate. In Solidarity Catalina Every year BMUST honors one individual in each building as an “Outstanding Professional”. These colleagues are recognized for their professional excellence at our annual dinner in June.
The recipient of this award may include teachers, school counselors, psychologists, social workers, nurses and other members of our union. We are asking for your input in the selection process. Please nominate a colleague by February 10th, and also indicate the reason for your selection. All nominations should be returned to your Head Building Representative. Please be assured that all correspondence will remain confidential. We thank you for your cooperation. SED’s new testing company, Questar, is looking for grade 3-8 teachers to work on developing the questions for the new grade 3-8 ELA and math tests. Participants will be paid for participation in the item writing workshop. The math workshop will be held onFebruary 17-19 in Albany and the ELA workshop will be held on April 13-15 in Albany.
Please share this information with your Grade 3-8 teachers, special education teachers and ELL teachers. Names and contact information and grade level for participants should be sent to Terry McSweeney at [email protected]. Participants will be contacted by the testing company if they are selected to participate. In Solidarity Catalina Beginning on Wednesday, January 27, NYSUT will be conducting a poll of members exploring their attitudes towards Fair Share and talking points about Fair Share. Please encourage your members to participate in this poll if you are called. We were alerted to the email below. Please read carefully and share with your units. W2 Forms in our district will NOT be distributed electronically so any such email should be ignored. Thank you. Mara NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES CYBER-THREAT ALERT DATE ISSUED: January 23, 2016 January 25, 2016 UPDATED SUBJECT: Active Email Phishing Threat OVERVIEW: The NYS ITS CSOC has been notified of an active phishing email threat targeting government agencies. We have received reports of a well-crafted phishing email circulating in the past two weeks at several US universities and in neighboring states. The email notifies employees that their electronic W2s are available and encourages them to click to login and view/print their W2s. The link takes them to a landing page which has been made to look like the organization’s Human Resources site. Those who fall victim to the phishing email may have their personal information compromised, including login, password, tax information, bank account information, personal contact information and benefit information. Two sample emails are provided below. Please note that there are several variants. ORIGINAL INDICATORS OF COMPROMISE:
· Email was sent from email domain · IP address resolution for the email domain resolves to · The link in the email sent from the email domain redirects to a URL in the domainhxxp:// (this domain is still active) RECOMMENDATIONS:
If you have any questions or concerns please direct your inquiries to [email protected] or by phone at 242-5211. Cyber Security Operations Center NYS Enterprise Information Security Office Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) 1220 Washington Avenue, Building 5 – 1st Floor Albany, New York 12226 Main Phone: 518-242-5211 | [email protected] Website: BMUST Colleagues, Please be reminded that the PTA Founders' Day Dinner is Monday, March 7. There are still openings. Join us for an enjoyable evening of dining and awards. As a BMUST PTA Liaison, I am appealing to our membership to join your building PTA and SEPTA if you have not already joined. As I stated in September, we are fortunate to have a great relationship with our local PTAs and PTA Council. Mark and I regularly attend the council meetings and we see so many supportive parents who are on our side as it relates to APPR, state tests and Cuomo's agenda. Please, if you haven't yet signed on, make every effort to join. PTA membership is $15 and so is SEPTA. Any questions, see your building PTA rep or contact me. Sincerely, Rich Wilen BMUST Treasurer and PTA Liaison
Attached is the final letter to the governor which will be shared with Newsday later today. Forever 9 - The Robbie Levine Foundation offers nationwide support for AED/CPR awareness. They are holding their 8th Annual Dealing With Hearts Gala. Please see the attached flyer for more information. For more information on this foundation, please go to:
September 2024
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