Dear Colleagues,
Please read the attached document if you know of anyone who lost a loved one due to COVID-19. FEMA is providing financial assistance to individuals who incurred funeral expenses as a result of someone passing away as due to COVID-19. The document will direct you to the FEMA website to see if you qualify and to complete the necessary paperwork. Thanks, Pete Brideson BMUST 1st Vice President Dear Members,
Tomorrow (Tuesday, May 18), please remember to vote yes for your local school budget and cast your votes for school board members who support public education. Attached you'll find NYSUT's endorsements for Suffolk/Nassau school board candidates. In addition, Newsday has put together a Q&A about Tuesday's elections, and you can visit their Long Island Elections page to find out more information about your local school board candidates and budget proposals. Finally, please wear your BMUST shirt tomorrow to support school budgets and pro-education school board candidates throughout Long Island. Best, Dennis Urban BMUST Political Action Committee My Dear Union Brothers and Sisters,
I hope this note finds you and your families well. I am writing to ask that we wear our BMUST t-shirts on Tuesday, May 18th. May 18th is an important day for two reasons. The most obvious is that it is the day that school districts across Long Island hold their school budget vote and have their Board of Education elections. It is vital that we support our home school districts in the same way that we hope that the residents of the BMCHSD support the work that we do everyday. Equally important is that we help elect pro-education candidates to our local Board of Educations. The second, and perhaps not so obvious reason, is that May 18th is the date of the second rally being held by the Hempstead Classroom Teachers Association (HCTA) to express their frustrations over not having had a contract since 2010. Here is a link to a video recorded by the Long Island Presidents Council at this past Tuesday's rally. Even if you can not make it on the 18th to support the HCTA (the rally begins at 3:30 and will be held at 185 Peninsula Boulevard in Hempstead), let the wearing of our BMUST shirts be a reminder to us of our good fortune as we enter the final year of our current contract and prepare for negotiations over the next contract. Please continue to take good care of yourselves and of one another. In Solidarity, Rob Dear Colleagues,
I hope this note finds you and your families well. NYSUT Members Benefit is presenting a couple of webinars/workshops that might be of interest to you. The first is a one-hour identity theft webinar presented by Cambridge Credit Counseling, a NYSUT Member Benefits endorsed program provider. The second is a workshop focusing on your personal well-being. In Solidarity, Rob In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, NYSUT Member Benefits hosted a workshop on Everyday Resiliency yesterday and the feedback was great! This session focuses on ways to prioritize your own well-being during times of stress. Another session of this workshop is scheduled for May 18 at 4:00 p.m. To register click the following link: Everyday Resilience Series ( Also, as the initial four Member Benefits webinars on Identity Theft presented in April were so popular, four additional ID Theft Webinars have been scheduled on May 19 at 4 p.m., May 20 at 4 p.m., May 26 at 4 p.m., and June 2 at 4 p.m. Presented by Member Benefits-endorsed program provider Cambridge Credit Counseling, these one-hour webinars will offer details on what NYSUT members can do to avoid, detect and resolve identity theft. Click the following link to register for a particular webinar and for more information: Matt Jacobs, Regional Staff Director New York State United Teachers 1000 Woodbury Road -Suite 214 Woodbury, NY 11797 Office: (516) 496-2035 Mobile: (516) 319-7065 [email protected] Meg HirschFri, May 7, 12:03 PM (3 days ago)
to bcc: me Hello BMUST, As I’m sure many of you have heard by now, BMUST has decided to switch over to a digital form of voting for our local elections. We chose to go with the ElectionBuddy platform to host our electronic elections. To learn about how voters vote in ElectionBuddy and how secret ballot voting works, please feel free to watch this video: Election Buddy for Unions The following link provides an overview of how voting works in ElectionBuddy: Voting Overview — the Process for Voters. We will be using the email notices to vote. When our elections go live, you can always contact me or ElectionBuddy at: [email protected], and of course, you are welcome to reach out beforehand as well. ElectionBuddy claims to be “the easiest way to improve voter engagement, save time, create a better voter experience, and guarantee election integrity.” Based on what I’ve seen, I must agree and hope you will as well. Since the ballots will be sent out via email, we would like to make sure that we have everyone’s best personal email address on file. If you need to update your email address, please contact Meg Hirsch. Thank you, Roland Skemer Election Chair Dear Faculty and Staff,
I hope this finds you and your families safe and well! This is Paul Southard from Equitable Advisors. First, I would like to thank you all for your commitment and dedication to your students and your communities during these very stressful times. I am here to help in any way I can. I’m reaching out regarding the 403(b), the 401k of the public school system. Due to the pandemic and the safety of both faculty and staff, I am not visiting the buildings like I normally do. As part of my practice, I have come up with a solution to be a virtual resource for anyone who may have questions. Below, you will find a scheduling link to my calendar. If you click on the link you can select a half hour individual time slot to review your current 403(b), establish a new account, or ask any other financial questions you may have. If you currently have a 403b with another provider and would like a complimentary review, I would love to meet with you as well. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Thank you again, have a terrific week and stay safe! Best Regards, Paul E. Southard 631-224-7900 May 6 through 12 is School Nurses’ Recognition Week. The significance of May 12th is that we celebrate the birthday of Florence Nightingale. Although it continues to be difficult to stop by their offices today to say thank you in person, please take a moment to send a note to our nurses to let them know how much you appreciate the work they do for our children and us as teachers.The pandemic has only served to amplify how essential the nurses are to our school community.They are the heart of healthcare for our students and faculty and we are lucky to have such an outstanding collection of nurses as members of BMUST.
To all of our nurses, thank you for all that you do. You are greatly appreciated! Anthony Dolisi and Ronald Dinehart from Equitable Advisors, LLC (formerly AXA) will be available for in-person consultations at the Brookside Board Room on Tuesday May 11, from 10-5. Please see their note below. Sign-ups available here.
Dear Bellmore Merrick Faculty and Staff, We hope this email finds you and your families well and we’d like to thank you for your continued commitment and support for everything you do. On Tuesday, May 11th from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM we’ll be visiting the district to go over the Equitable’s 403(b) Plan and discuss how it fits into your retirement , as well as offer any guidance on any financial planning you may need. We’ll have a table in the boardroom in the Administration building all day. If you‘d like to review your current 403(b) or learn about enrolling in a new plan, please make sure to stop over and see us. Additionally, if you currently have a 403(b) with a different provider and would like a complimentary review, we’d be happy to assist with this as well. Have a terrific week and we look forward to seeing you next week. Also, we’ll be serving complimentary wraps, salads, and deserts all individually wrapped for your convenience and safety!!! Best Regards, Anthony Dolisi II Retirement Benefits Group 1000 Woodbury Rd, Suite 300, Woodbury, NY 11797 Phone: (516) 355-3344 | [email protected] -- |
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