TO: NYSUT Local Presidents
FROM: Catalina Fortino DATE: September 23, 2015 RE: Growth Score Appeals According to SED, the forms for the growth score appeals included in the emergency regulations will be available this Friday, September 25. Eligible teachers will have until October 19 to file their paperwork. We will provide the link to the SED forms inFriday’s Leader Briefing. Currently, eligible teachers are teachers who received a Highly Effective rating on their observations and an Ineffective on their growth score in 2014-15 and received an Effective or Highly Effective on their growth score in 2013 -14. During the 30-day comment period on the regulations, we will be seeking an expansion of the definition of eligible teachers to make more of our adversely affected teachers eligible to appeal their scores. In solidarity, Catalina IMPORTANT: Letter to Members living in Locust Valley from E. Russel-Roslyn Teachers Association9/28/2015
Hi! The issues of not paying teachers their step increments under Triborough in Locust Valley is now continuing into it’s second year. In addition, the teachers have now worked 15 months without a contract (remember what that was like in Roslyn in 2009?). They are asking Locust Valley parents to attend a Board meeting on Weds., Sept. 30. Listed below is the specific information. I urge you to attend to support your children’s past, present and future teachers. I know they will greatly appreciate it.
Best, Eleanor President Roslyn RTA As you know, the Locust Valley SEA has been engaged in a protracted bargaining conflict with their district. As you are also aware, the Locust Valley district has challenged the longstanding principle that automatic payment of step increments is mandated by the Triborough Amendment to the Taylor law and they have refused to pay any step increments to bargaining unit members while bargaining continues. The LVSEA and NYSUT are pursuing all legal remedies to force the district to comply with the law, but all public employees in NYS would be directly threatened should the district prevail in this matter. President Gaby Harrington has asked our office to inform you that the LVSEA is hosting a meet and greet for Locust Valley parents and community members who are interested in helping to end the protracted bargaining conflict in Locust Valley. The LVSEA will be serving sandwiches and water before the 9/30/15 LV BOE meeting from 6:45 to 7:45 in the High School cafeteria. LVSEA is calling it a "pre game" where interested parties can join LVSEA members for conversation and then sit with them at the BOE meeting. Please stand in solidarity with the LVSEA members on September 30. The fight they are waging is a fight for all of us. Any questions can be directed to Gaby at [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]><mailto:[email protected]>. TOPIC LINK: MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please join us as we walk for a cure for breast cancer in our annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk: Sunday, October 18, Field 5. Please visit our website team page where you can make donations easily online: For more details, please contact Bruce Reed: [email protected], or text at 516-443-3304. Thank you, Bruce Reed BMUST Public Relations
The Bellmore & Merrick Street Fairs are right around the corner. Volunteers are needed.
Hi Everyone and Welcome Back! We hope everyone had a great summer. The Bellmore and Merrick Street Fairs are right around the corner. We need your help to ensure that we have sufficient coverage to run these events successfully. The Bellmore and Merrick Street Fairs are important events in our community. Both fairs are early this year and we would appreciate it if faculty and staff members would consider volunteering 1-2 hours of their time. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Bellmore Street Fair: • Saturday, September 19th and Sunday, September 20th • Volunteers are needed 9:30 am until 6:30 pm • Volunteers should report to the Kids Expo (located in the LIRR parking lot on the corner of Bellmore Ave and Sunrise Hwy) Teachers who are interested in volunteering for the Bellmore Street Fair should e-mail Jessica Chilton (Kennedy HS) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Merrick Street Fair: • Saturday, September 26th and Sunday, September 27th • Volunteers are needed 9:30 am until 6:30 pm • The booth is located in front of RS Jones Restaurant. Teachers who are interested in volunteering for the Merrick Street Fair should e-mail Catherine Azzara (Grand Avenue) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attention Art Club and Honor Society Advisors: In the past you have done a wonderful job setting up student volunteers. We would appreciate help. Please email us with any questions and concerns. Your students' talents are always a welcome addition. Student Help: We ask that teachers please make announcements in their classrooms, including the event details. Students should volunteer for a minimum of two hours. They will be expected to assist the children with some simple and fun crafts. Children who attend the festivals especially enjoy the face painting. Teachers may e-mail us the names, dates, and times students plan to attend. Students will be required to sign in with Ms. Azzara or Mrs. Chilton and we will inform teachers of student participation. (This is a great opportunity for students to earn community service.) Thank you and we appreciate your support! Catherine Azzara/Grand and Jessica Chilton/JFK Co-Chairs The NY Regents are voting on the new APPR plan September 16 and 17 and now is the time to contact them expressing our opposition to the new plan. FYI....NYSUT has a banner flying this weekend from East Hampton to Jones Beach. --------[ #RespectPublicEd IT WORKS! ] It will be in the air on Saturday and Monday from 10am to 2pm. Each day it will do 2 round trips. Please let your members know about this. It is going to be a great beach weekend and a ton of people are going to see this. We want to ramp up the conversation here on Long Island, using the hashtag #RespectPublicEd. Have them take pictures and post them online. They can also add something like "Long Island has great Public Schools" Edward Kent Nassau PAC Summer 2015 NYSUT Member Benefits E-Newsletter I am proud to present to you the Summer 2015 issue of our Member Benefits E-Directelectronic newsletter. I hope that you will find the content useful and ask that you pass this publication along to as many of your NYSUT contacts and members as possible. Each issue of this electronic publication is put together with great thought and effort as we strive to ensure that we offer helpful hints and tips to our members -- an added benefit of NYSUT membership provided at no cost to NYSUT members. We want all NYSUT members to know that membership in this union provides access to a variety of Member Benefits-endorsed programs & services available exclusively to them and their families. Please click the link below to view this e-newsletter. This publication includes embedded links that will allow you to learn more about our various endorsed programs & services. One of our goals at NYSUT Member Benefits is to reach the maximum number of members, and we have seen that we are most successful with this goal when people like you share our materials with your colleagues and friends. We continue to increase the number of members who are aware of the endorsed programs & services that we offer but still have great potential for growth in this area. We are also pleased that the number of members who participate in our endorsed programs & services continues to grow each year; with your help in forwarding this email and e-newsletter link to your membership, we are confident that this growth will continue in the future as well. Thank you for your continued support of NYSUT Member Benefits! Warm regards, Lynette A. Metz Director, NYSUT Member Benefits Trust CEO, NYSUT Member Benefits Corporation Please join us.
Thursday, September 17, Nassau and Suffolk NYSUT regional offices and Long Island Opt-Out are kicking off the school year with "Wear Red for Public Ed" rallies across Long Island. (See attached flyer.) The message of the rallies will be pro-public education, anti-high-stakes testing, pro-opt out and solidarity between parents and educators. BMUST meeting place : Left Coast Kitchen - 1810 Merrick Road, Merrick 11566 |
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