Below is an important memo I received from Matt Jacobs, Regional Staff Director of NYSUT. Please read: Subject: Video Conference Certification Workshops MEMORANDUM TO: Local Presidents FROM: Matt Jacobs, Regional Staff Director DATE: September 24, 2014 RE: Video Conference Certification Workshops =============================================================================================== NYSUT’s Research & Educational Services is once again scheduling video conferences on teacher and teaching assistant certification for the 2014-2015 school year. The video conference dates for the Nassau Regional Office are December 9, 2014 (Workshop “A” for teachers) and December 10, 2014 (Workshp “B” for teaching assistants). The video conferences will begin promptly at 4:30 p.m. and last approximately 50 minutes. Please make your teachers and teaching assistants aware of the opportunity to register for one of these video conferences. A registration form is attached to this email. A brief description of each workshop is contained on the attached video conference registration form. Registration forms should be faxed (516) 921-2964 or mailed to Delores Cook at the Nassau Regional Office no later than December 1, 2014. Participants are encouraged to bring electronic devices to increase participation, view helpful sites, access TEACH accounts and directly e-mail questions to the session presenter. Attachment MJ/dc cwa114 Please see the attached flyer on Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Join us on Sunday, October 19th for a walk to raise money and awareness for Breast Cancer.
Bruce Reed/JFK Public Relations We encourage you to please support SEPTA. If you would like to order a T-shirt, please see attached. Complete the form and send your check to BM SEPTA, c/o Calhoun HS, 1786 State St, Merrick NY 11566
or send it to the SEPTA Mailboxes ay any of our 5 schools. Thank you for your support of Septa. SEPTA T-SHIRT Dear BMUST Members:
BMUST Members are invited to participate in Veteran’s Day (Tuesday, November11th) this year by showing their support for U.S. Troops by making a donation to The United Way, entitling you to a short or long sleeve “Live United” T-shirt, depending on the donation made (see attached). United Way of Long Island addresses the emergency needs of local military personnel and their families living through multiple deployments through its Military Family Assistance Project. Please encourage staff members to participate in this valuable public express of our support for our troops on Veteran’s Day. Additionally, those who participate help to showcase teachers in a positive light, in contrast to recent media coverage.
Thank you, Bruce Reed BMUST Public Relations Operation Live United Flyer NYSUT posted the Fact Sheet entitled “Teacher Certification in New York State” which provides an overview of teacher certification including a description of the changes to the certification exams here :
February 2025
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