BellmoreMerrick Special Education PTA is looking for a "logo" and we want YOU to help design it. We are interested in producing a line of T-Shirts (with possibly other products to follow) to call our "own" and are having a contest for the design. So Get out your creative juices and help us. We represent all 5 schools and MAP and are committed to helping Student's with Special Needs and their families to achieve their highest potential. We are looking for a Logo that will appeal to a large group of individuals with or without special needs. Contest Specifics: Anyone can enter, students, family member, friend. Design should be limited to 3 colors, can be a picture, phrase or combination. Please submit designs in Jpeg format to [email protected], or you can send a FB message to our FB page BellmoreMerrick Septa. We will post designs on our FB page for voting as well as have a committee to make the final decision. Deadline for submissions will be July 28, 2014. Design winner gets a free T shirt! We know we have a lot of artistically talented individuals and would love to have some of that talent to help represent us! Thanks! BellmoreMerrickCHSD SEPTA -- Mark Mark Steinberg, President SEPTA College and Trade Fair SEPTA Transition Flyer To All BMUST Members:
Please see the attached newsletter Solving The Retirement Puzzle from Hank Sessa - Consultant to our members on matters dealing with retirement and retirement planning. Mark Mark Steinberg, President |
February 2025
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