On behalf of the Dignity Act “One Voice One Message” Committee attached please find a letter introducing our first annual event. This fabulous idea was proposed by our student ambassadors last year. They shared with us that we needed to create events that brought our district together so that we were working together towards a common cause. We have chosen Sloan Kettering Pediatric Cancer Unit and the Run/Walk is at the center of our district circling Grand and Merrick Avenue Middle Schools. Joe Netto and Robyn Einbinder have been at the helm of the sub-committee organizing and planning. They will be joining us at the Board meeting in February with Susan Ellinghaus to share more details. They have done an outstanding job so far and we look forward to supporting them in order to achieve our “One Voice One Message” vision for an essential cause.
Please see the links below. The first is the link for Sloan Kettering which accepts donations and the other link is for runner/walker registration. Thank you for your support. Have a fabulous weekend! Letter to Committee About Walk Mara http://mskcc.convio.net/goto/bmchsdonevoiceonemessage http://onevoiceonemessageonerun.itsyourrace.com/event.aspx?id=5005 Subject: NYSUT Position Statement on APPR
Hello Fellow ED 17 Presidents and Delegates, Please find attached NYSUT's Position Statement of recommended changes to APPR. This statement is the culmination of much work from focus groups, surveys, and the BOD APPR committee. Presidents, please be sure to watch for next week's Leader Briefing that will included this statement as well as supporting material on differentiated evaluations, teaching and learning conditions, and the growth model. Also attached is a resolution adopted by the BOD this past weekend on the Reauthorization of ESEA. Kudos to Nassau's own Barbara Hafner for proposing and helping to draft this resolution. On another note from NYSUT legislative office: the Comptroller's Office has released the latest fiscal stress information regarding school districts. 90 districts have been identified as in fiscal stress, 19 districts are on Long Island. Last year, 87 districts were identified as in stress. http://www.osc.state.ny.us/press/releases/jan15/012915.htm I just want to reiterate what I have said before, I am very proud to be a part of the Long Island Directors. It is fair to say that we are the most vocal and probably annoying region of directors sitting on the board. But there are times that annoying is a good thing. Thank you for your input as we continue to fight non-stop in this war on our schools and our profession. In Unity, Tomia PS.....On Twitter yet? Be sure to follow @NYSUT and @TomiaSmith and retweet our messages. We cannot afford the commercials that the charters and Cuomo can so we must flood social media with OUR message! Remember to sign up for the text messages from NYSUT Action Center by texting NYSUT to the number 38470. NYSUT Position on Resolution Reauthorization of Civil Right TO: Local Presidents
FROM: Matt Jacobs, NYSUT Regional Staff Dir. DATE: January 29, 2015 RE: NYSUT LGBTQ Educators Survey I am sending you the following message at the request of Vice Presidents Fortino and Pecorale. In response to a Resolution passed at the 2013 RA, a task force was created to study the state of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) educators and school-related professionals within NYSUT. The task force has published a survey for all NYSUT members that self-identify as members of the LGBTQ community to complete. The survey will be used to inform the work of the task force, so that the task force may report back to the RA in May of 2015 in Buffalo. Please forward this link to your membership so that we may, as a union, move forward creating a positive, safe, and welcoming work environment for our members. http://survey.nysut.org/surveys/lgbtq_2015_tf.htm Dear NYSUT Leaders on Long Island I am happy to report that Rev. William Barber will be at Stony Brook University on Wednesday afternoon (4 p.m.), Feb 18, 2015, bringing his Moral Monday message to Long Island in a talk titled "The Moral Foundation of Worker Rights." The public is invited and I hope you will bring this important opportunity to the attention of your members and colleagues and urge them to attend. I attach the flier for the event, which you should feel free to reproduce and distribute. We are organizing bus transportation from points in Nassau and Suffolk Counties for those who prefer not to drive to campus. Details of the event and transportation will be on the "events" section of the Website for the Center for Study of Working Class Life <www.stonybrook.edu/workingclass> after January 20. Rev. Barber's visit is sponsored by the Center for Study of Working Class Life and College of Arts and Sciences at Stony Brook, and co-sponsored by many labor, religious, and social justice organizations, including the L.I. Federation of Labor; United University Professions (UUP), AFT Local 2190; 1199SEIU; the Long Island Council of Churches; Brookhaven Town NAACP; the Stony Brook School of Social Welfare, the Long Island Progressive Coalition, and the L.I. chapter of Jobs with Justice. On behalf of all those who are organizing this event, I invite NYSUT to help make it as successful as possible so we can build the strongest possible Moral Monday Movement on Long Island. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, and to become active in creating this Movement. Barber Flier at Stony Brook In solidarity Michael Zweig UUP - AFT2190 Director, Center for Study of Working Class Life State University of New York Stony Brook, NY 11794-4384 631.632.7536 [email protected] www.stonybrook.edu/workingclass Dear Colleagues,
Each year the PTA holds its Founder's Day Dinner which honors teachers and other school employees as well as community members. This event occurs March 9th. It is important for BMUST to maintain the strong relationship we have with our PTA Council and local chapters. Please make every effort to attend this worthwhile function. Your head building reps have all the information. RSVP is due by January 28th. Thanks, Rich Wilen Treasurer and PTA Liaison Whether we realize it or not, many of us suffer from various sleep disorders that deprive us of the rest we need. Insufficient sleep resulting from sleep disorders can cause sub-par performance at work, health problems and even contribute to premature death.
The Long Island Federation of Labor and NYCOSH are sponsoring a Sleep Disorder Workshop onJanuary 22 at the Nassau RO. The attached flyer contains details about the workshop and how to register. Sleep Disorder Workshop Information Dear Colleagues,
The Bellmore-Merrick United Secondary Teachers’ Benevolent Fund is a death benefit that is free to all in service members of BMUST. In the event of a member’s death, a payment of $2500 is made to a beneficiary that you designate on the attached form. If you were not at your building meeting this week to receive this newly updated form, please print the attached form, fill it out and return it to your head building representative as soon as possible. You may change your beneficiary at any time. If you have any questions, call the union office at ext. 1068. Designation of Benefits Form Sincerely, Rob Walsh 1st Vice President January 6, 2015
Dear NYSUT Members: All NYSUT members will be receiving their new membership cards this month as part of a special mailing that will include information pertaining to the core benefits that NYSUT provides to its membership. This mailing will also include a letter from Martin Messner, Secretary-Treasurer of NYSUT and Chairperson of the NYSUT Member Benefits Trust. Click the following link to view Martin's letter -- http://issuu.com/mbnewsletter/docs/membership_mailing_1-6-15?e=4255078/10809570. To view this document in page reader mode after clicking the link, click on the third button from the right in the black menu bar at the top of the page. I encourage you to take the time to read Martin’s letter and learn how you could potentially save significant money by participating in NYSUT Member Benefits-endorsed programs & services. Find out how much Martin saved when he called to inquire about a number of services, including auto & homeowners insurance, life insurance, home heating oil, vacation plans, movie tickets, and much more. The true merits of being a union member include better contracts, safer working conditions, fair pay, political activism, etc.; however, many members may not realize that there are additional benefits to being a union member. I encourage you to consider the many programs & services endorsed by NYSUT Member Benefits and inquire about your future potential savings. Thank you for your time. |
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