Jeff Friedman, Long Island's Regional Political Organizer for NYSUT, sent the following message to Suffolk RSD Peter Verdon and me this morning:
Matt and Peter, I am writing to ask you to relay a message to all the local presidents, PAC, and all members for their herculean efforts these past few weeks. As the new LI political organizer for NYSUT, I am humbled seeing how motivated and organized much of the Long Island is. We collected 10,000 post cards in a three week time span, made dozens of lobby visits, organized forums and made thousands of phone calls. And members still want to do more! I thank them for their activism and dedication. I am honored to work for such a great organization with some many amazing people. Jeff Please call your legislators right now, and urge them to vote NO on any budget that ties education aid to teacher evaluation, and teacher evaluation to test scores. Find your Assemblymember hereand your Senator here.
It appears that Cuomo’s budget bill doubles-down or triples-down on testing in the following ways:
Thanks, Leonie Haimson Executive Director Class Size Matters 124 Waverly Pl. New York, NY 10011 212-674-7320 As you have probably heard by now, Karen Magee yesterday took a public position in support of encouraging parents to opt their children out of the Common Core state tests.
This is a major policy change for NYSUT which has potentially significant implications for members who wish to support this position. It is possible that NYSUT will issue further guidance for local leaders and members regarding the implementation of this policy. Until such time as such further guidance may be forthcoming, however, I want to remind you that NYSUT has already promulgated guidance on what members need to be aware of when speaking or writing publicly about the opt-out issue. A copy of that Fact Sheet is attached and should be reviewed. Of course, do not hesitate to consult with your LRS if you or your members have questions about this. Opt-Out Facts Sheet Reclaiming Public Education in NYS: Forum to be held at Brookside on March 31. Please see the attached flyers.
Community Education Forum Reclaiming Public Education Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We will be attending the Rally together on Saturday, March 28th. Please join us. There will be many speakers including Zephyr Teachout, Senators, Assembly, NYSUT President Karen Magee, and more. ALL WE NEED IS YOU! PLEASE MEET AT THE MERRICK TRAIN STATION (MERRICK AVE AND SUNRISE HIGHWAY) AT 10:00 AMSATURDAY. WE WILL TAKE THE 10:25 AM TRAIN TO PENN STATION. WE NEED YOU TO BE THERE ----- BRING FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Thank you, Paul This is the Final Week of the State Budget negotiations. We are winning the battle!!! WE NEED EVERY PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEE, EVERY PARENT, EVERY STUDENT, EVERY CONCERNED CITIZEN TO PUSH THIS ACROSS THE FINISH LINE! Huge Rally this SATURDAY MARCH 28 - 12:00 NOON - in front of Governor Cuomo's Midtown Office - 633 3rd Avenue (at East 41 St.) (8 blocks from Penn Station) Take the train, bring the family, join your friends and colleagues, make it a day to remember. Your child's education is on the line, your job is on the line, the future of Public School Education is on the line. BE THERE ---- NO EXCUSES --- THIS IS IMPORTANT. Wear your shirts, bring signs, more signs will be distributed. Governor Cuomo is wrong about education. He needs to hear it from YOU. Our schools need to be fully funded. RETURN OUR TAX DOLLARS TO OUR SCHOOLS. If there is no Budget Gap, THERE IS NO NEED FOR A GAP ELIMINATION ADJUSTMENT!!! See the attached flyer. Paint Merrick Road Red Flyer
Attached is an updated flyer for the Paint Merrick Road Red for Public Ed event on Friday. The new flyer contains a list of gathering points where people can assemble to walk. Yesterday I sent you an e-mail referencing two rallies on the same day. One in NYC and the other in Babylon. The Babylon Rally has been changed to Lindenhurst. Please see the attached flyer.
Lindenhurst Rally NYC Rally Mark Steinberg President PLEASE CALL DEMOCRATIC ASSEMBLY MEMBERS!!
With the state of budget negotiations reaching a critical stage it is important to make sure that the Assembly Democrats continue to stand firm with us in these negotiations. Many of the proposals being discussed include the erosion of local control and a dangerous increase in standardized testing. PLEASE CALL YOUR ASSEMBLYMEMBER NOW. This can’t wait! It is unlikely that you will actually speak with an Assembly member so just leave the message with their staff. ASK THEM TO CONTINUE TO STAND STRONG WITH TWO-THIRDS OF NEW YORKERS AND REJECT THE GOVERNOR'S EDUCATION ‘REFORM’ PROPOSALS. Nassau Democratic Assembly Albany office District office AD 13 Charles Lavine 518-455-5456 516-676-0050 AD 16 Michelle Schimel 518-455-5192 516-482-6966 AD 19 Earlene Hooper 518-455-5861 516-489-6610 AD 20 Todd Kaminsky 518-455-3028 516-431-0500 AD 21 Michaelle Solages 518-455-4465 516-599-2972 Suffolk Democratic Assembly Albany office District office AD 1 Fred Thiele 518-455-5997 631-537-2583 (an Independent who caucuses with the Democrats) AD 4 Steve Englebright 518-455-4804 631-751-3094 AD 6 Phil Ramos 518-455-5185 631-435-3214 AD 11 Kimberly Jean-Pierre 518-455-5787 631-957-2087 Turning the Tide on Public Education: New York voters say they trust the state’s teachers’ unions over Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s own direction for education policy in the state, according to a new poll just released. Voters trust the unions by a margin of 55 percent to 28 percent when it comes to improving the state’s education system. Meanwhile, Cuomo’s job approval rating has fallen to one his lowest ever in the poll. The survey found voters are skeptical of efforts to scale back teacher tenure or provide merit pay for teachers based on testing. Voters believe teacher salaries shouldn’t be tied to how students perform on standardized testing. Meanwhile, 65 percent of voters polled by Quinnipiac believe teacher tenure shouldn’t be based on test scores of students. Shout-Out 4 Schools in Need: Assemblyman Anthony Brindisi is encouraging educators to push local legislators to support plans to increase funding to small city school districts. “There are almost 700 districts in New York and 17 are quote ‘failed.’ Let’s look at those failing districts and fund them,” Brindisi, a Democrat from the Utica area, said during a state budget seminar hosted by the New York State Association of Small City School Districts. Approximately 30 superintendents and other educators from various districts attended the seminar to discuss how budget proposals would impact small city school districts. Bipartisan Call for Testing Rights- Fantastic: Members of state Legislature on Tuesday introduced a bill that would ensure school districts properly notify parents of their right to opt out their children from the controversial Common Core standardized tests. The bill is in response to the growing concerns of parents and teachers in the state about the over-testing of children, particularly through the Common Core standards. Assembly Republicans joined Senate Republicans in introducing the legislation, which is called the "Common Core Parental Refusal Act." Parent Perspective: Don’t B a Lemon -Pledge to Do All U Can: Attend a community forum supporting public education (flyers attached). Stay tuned for more- You could even organize one yourself Attach Your Local Events Here: · Educate yourself, family, and friends · Register and Vote · Donate to Vote Cope Take Action Now! · Register to vote · Find Your Elected Officials · Take Action with a click · Connect with volunteer opportunities CNY PAC and NYTN are from Phil Cleary. Share the messages and get CNY PAC – NYTN extras @clearypm |
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