Parents, Teachers, Taxpayers & Community Members,
It's time to stand up for public education and protest State Senate Candidate Chris McGrath. Where: Chris McGrath's Office 1140 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY (just south of Lord & Taylor, parking in back) When: Friday, April 15 -- We will begin to line up between 4:00 - and 4:30 p.m. Why: Our public schools are hurting. We have lost music and art programs, science electives and after school programs from budget cuts. So why did our Republican Long Island State Senators agree to send $54 million in taxpayer money to fund privately run charter schools, 80% which are in New York City? Why did our Long Island State Senators agree to use $54 million from their own discretionary funds to finance privately-run charter schools, most of which raise millions of dollars on their own through private donations? We know that the State Senate Republicans have collected millions from charter school supporters. We know the Senate campaign and housekeeping funds and New Yorkers for a Balanced Albany have collected millions from prominent Hedge Funds who have adopted charter schools as their celebrity cause. Disgraced former Majority Leader, Dean Skelos started taking these donations and the current GOP leadership clearly loves them too! We must protest State Senate Candidate Chris McGrath for support of shady deals for charter schools. We must protest Chris McGrath for supporting Senate GOP's backroom deal to give $54 million in taxpayer money to finance privately-run charter schools in return for them funding his campaign. They just donated over $1,000,000 (yes million) dollars of dark money to help McGrath win. It's time to call out Mr. McGrath --- we are calling on him to say publicly that taxpayer money should go to our local public schools first and not to privately-run charter schools. We are asking Mr. McGrath to say publicly that he will not accept donations from Hedge Fund Donors whose main goal is to privatize public education. Comments are closed.
February 2025
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