Meg HirschThu, Sep 7, 1:04 PM (19 hours ago)
to bcc: meColleagues, If you are interested in a Catastrophe Major Medical Plan, please continue reading. The Trustees of the NYSUT Member Benefits Catastrophe Major Medical (CMM) Insurance Trust are pleased to offer an open enrollment in the CMM Plan from September 8, 2023 to October 13, 2023 -- with an effective date of January 1, 2024. REGISTER FOR AN UPCOMING WEBINAR: Member Benefits will be hosting a number of live informational webinars about the CMM Plan and open enrollment period. These sessions will begin on September 5, 2023. The CMM Plan offers supplemental coverage that you and your eligible family members may need. Once the out-of-pocket deductible has been satisfied, this Plan provides benefits for eligible expenses that your basic plan does not fully cover, including prescription drugs. As of January 1, 2023, the CMM Plan also includes a Critical Illness benefit that pays a one-time $1,000 lump sum in the event that a covered member is diagnosed with a critical illness.During this open enrollment period, NYSUT in-service members have the opportunity to enroll themselves (and any eligible dependents) in the CMM Plan. The open enrollment also avails current CMM Plan participants the opportunity to enroll any eligible family members that are not already enrolled under the Plan. To learn more about this opportunity, please visit the Catastrophe Major Medical page on the AMBA website or contact AMBA toll-free at 888-386-9788. Sincerely, Pete Brideson BMUST 1st Vice President Comments are closed.
December 2024
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